Tinder-like App
with real-time chat, notification system,
smart selection and flexible search
Or 🍵 Matcha (抹茶) /ˈmætʃə, ˈmɑːtʃə/ like a finely ground powder of green tea leaves.
The goal of the project was to recreate the functionality of the dating app Tinder
- User profile (genders, preferences, pictures, ratings etc)
- Match profiles (same geo, common tags, etc)
- Everything secured (CSRF, SQL, etc)
- Real-time chat, notifications
- Documented API and Interactive map of users (Admin)
- GPS Location
Flask - Backend
- FlaskREST (Doc API)
- FlaskSocket, SocketIO
- Twisted
- Flask-JWT
- Autobahn (WAMP)
- Docker-compose (Deployment)
VueJS - Frontend
- Bootstrap Vue
- Swiper
- Croppie
- Axios